Iskra Platform Update September 2022: Portal Redesign, Wallet Upgrade and DEX (Bridge Function)

Greetings Pioneers!

As we push forward on our roadmap, we’d like to highlight several platform updates that will go live on September 28, 2022.

Portal Redesign:

We are excited to share our latest re-design with the Iskra Portal 2.0, as we lay the foundation to launch our future products (market, launchpad, DEX, etc.).  

Wallet Upgrade: 

To coincide with our Token Generation Event, the Iskra Wallet will be able to support ERC-20, Klaytn, and our  Game Chain digital tokens and assets.  

DEX (Bridge Functionality): 

Generally speaking, as blockchain runs on its own network, assets of one chain cannot be used on another chain. Overcoming such limitations, a technology that provides interoperability between chains called Bridge has emerged. 

The Iskra Bridge connects Iskra Mainnet (currently Klaytn) with an external blockchain, allowing assets on different chains to be transferable from one to the other for better usability and a convenient use of various assets.

Iskra Bridge now supports Iskra Mainnet and Ethereum. You can transfer your assets on the Ethereum chain to Iskra portal wallet to bridge the assets conveniently to be usable on the Iskra Mainnet. Likewise, assets on the Iskra Mainnet can also be bridged and utilized on those of Ethereum.

The Iskra Bridge can support asset transfer between different types of chains in a secure fashion. Assets on a source chain is locked and verified by trusted verifiers before they can be bridged over to a destination chain.

A smart contract on the destination chain verify at least 2/3 of the verifiers confirmed that the assets had been successfully locked based on their signatures. That makes it very hard for an attacker to forge a request to mint arbitrary amount of assets on the destination chain.

Even though the current verifiers can be trusted enough, Iskra Bridge will eventually decentralize the verifying mechanism leveraging the node software run by PNFT holders (whose number is expected to reach more than thousands in upcoming years).

You can conveniently use the assets of the external ecosystem on the Iskra Platform through the Iskra Bridge. Iskra Bridge will contribute to the continued growth of the game ecosystem and the spread of community participation.

Feel free to learn more about the Bridge in our FAQ’s here.

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