Iskra Swap Now Available on DEX

Swap, Monetize and Provide Liquidity with ISK and other Platform Tokens

Iskra Swap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) service provided by Iskra where you can exchange Iskra platform tokens for ISK.  The swap feature will be available beginning on October 27, 2022 with the latest portal update.  

All game tokens supported by the Iskra platform will eventually be traded on Iskra Swap.  Iskra Swap is where you can purchase game assets, swap them for assets of another game, or monetize them. (Currently, it provides an exchange function between ISK, Klay, and oUSDT tokens. The exchange/trading for game assets will be continuously added in line with future game releases.)

Iskra Swap is an AMM-based decentralized exchange. To this end, there are liquidity pools of exchangeable token pairs. Anyone can participate as a liquidity provider(LP) by supplying token pairs to the liquidity pool and contribute to the growth of the platform.

Currently, Iskra Swap supports token exchange on the Iskra Mainnet (Klaytn) chain.

Tokens that can be exchanged on Iskra Swap are:

  • KLAY (Klaytn)
  • oUSDT (Orbit Bridge Klaytn USD Tether)

To use the new Iskra Swap feature: 

  1. Access Iskra Portal and log in.
  2. Click ‘DEX’ at the top to access the Swap menu.
  3. Select the Source(From) Token you’d like to exchange.
  4. Select the Destination(To) Token you’d like to exchange.
  5. Please enter the quantity of the tokens you wish to swap.
    – To use as many tokens as you want, enter/adjust the quantity in the From token field.
    – To exchange as many tokens as you want, enter/adjust the quantity in the To Token field.
  6. Select the Swap Button.
  7. Please check the tokens and quantity you want to exchange.
  8. After executing Swap, you can check the result of asset exchange.

Additional tokens will be added in the future, so please keep checking back for more updates and details. For more information, please join our discord.

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